On Tuesday, Branden accompanied me to our "first" OB appointment. It was much better than the last one. The doctor and nurse were both great. I really felt comfortable with both of them. We were able to listen to the heartbeat, 160 beats per minute. Well within the acceptable range. When I got home I looked up the wive's tale that predicts the sex of the baby by its heartbeat. According to the wive's tale, if it is above 140, the baby is most likely a girl! Very exciting news.
We haven't yet decided if we are going to find out if the baby is a girl or a boy. We didn't find out with Kenten. If we find out and the baby is a girl, we can start stocking up on clothes. If the baby is a boy, we can start stocking up on stuff like diapers. Decisions, decisions!
In other news, Kenten has been having fun at school. He has been having a few problems paying attention, but I think things are getting better. After all, it is only his first full week of school, ever. Branden took Kenten to his last dentist appointment, until his next regular cleaning. Now that we've got all those fillings done, we are getting better with brushing and flossing. We have decided that Kenten will be seeing a pediatric dentist from now on. As a side note, I would recommend all children see a pediatric dentist.
Also, Branden has accepted a job with SM&P. He will start training on Sept. 16. He will be the guy that comes out to mark the utility cables in your yard if you have to have work done. We are really looking forward to him working again. Plus, he will start out making a little more money than he was making at his previous job! Now, we just have to hold out for a couple more weeks and pray nothing happens that will require money. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. It has been a very difficult three and a half months.