This last week I received in the mail my insurance packet. I put it to the side, not thinking anything of it. Tonight I decided to look through it. Normally the changes would not have bothered me. However, having in mind the future trip we are going to take to KC, I'm very frustrated with our new insurance coverage. Our plan that expires October 1 would have cost only $2000 as a maximum to us. With the new plan, we will have a maximum amount of $3000. I'm going to call the hospital tomorrow to find out what the total bill is expected to be so I can begin to look at the numbers and estimate our total.
I have begun to think of ways to pay for this bill. We don't have $3000 in the bank. We really can't afford any kind of a payment right now. So....I was thinking I would use my business to raise the money! After all, that is why I started my business, to help my family out with the extra expenses life throws our way. During the month of September, I will be collecting orders for Pampered Chef items. All the orders will go toward a Fundraiser show that I will turn in around October 2nd. Turned in as a Fundraiser show, we will earn anywhere from 15-20% commission for the fundraiser. I will also earn 15% commission personally. Both of those checks will go toward paying for Kenten's procedure. It seems like a lot, but my goal is a $6000 show! This would allow us to raise approximately $1800 to pay for Kenten's procedure. A show of $10,000 would almost pay for the whole thing. We're going to put some money aside on a medical flex card that I will sign up for through my employer. However, we can't put traveling expenses on a medical flex card. I'll put up more information regarding The Pampered Chef Fundraiser and how you can help when I get things completely figured out.
Check back regularly for updates. I'll try to get some pictures uploaded before school starts and everything gets crazy again!