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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sono Pics

The radiologist said she just has her hand close to her mouth. She's not actually sucking her thumb.

two little feet

profile of leg and arm



You can't even begin to imagine the excitement we felt when the lady said, "It's a girl!"

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's a ....

We found out on Wednesday that our baby is a girl!! And they said it couldn't be done. Branden's family can go back several generations without any girls being born. Needless to say, we are very excited. Yes, we have a first name picked out. We will share her name later when we've decided on a middle name.

She is still due March 1. I am very glad about this. Maybe I will be able to finish state assessment tests with my students. Kenten's sono moved his due date up 11 days.

The lady that did our sono said everything looked fine to her. She said the baby weighs about 12 oz and is about 6.5 inches long from head to bottom. We go to the doctor on Wednesday to get the full report.

I'll post pictures when I can get them scanned.