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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kenten's KC appointment 12-17-09

We visited with Dr. Hulse in KC today. The only test run today was an EKG. We talked in great length with Dr. Hulse and made the decision to go ahead with the procedure to correct Kenten's heart. We will schedule the procedure sometime after July 1, 2010 and before the school year begins. As it turns out, his diagnosis is not as scary as we thought. It is not life threatening. Kenten's heart may occasionally beat faster than normal, but the doctor gave us some things to do in case he has another episode. He is able to act as a normal little boy without any restrictions.

The procedure is very simple. We will be in KC no more than three days. The first day will be to visit with the anesthesiologist. The second day will be the procedure. We will be able to go home that day if we want to, or we can wait and go home on the third day. The only issue he will have after the procedure is tenderness and irritation at the catheter site in his legs.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Knowing there are so many people who have lifted our family in prayers has been a huge comfort!

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