Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We went to the doctor yesterday, fully expecting to hear the baby's heartbeat.  We were shuffled in and out without any chance to ask questions for ourselves.  On the way out the door, I was finally able to get in a quick question and asked to hear the heartbeat.  She laughed it off and simply said, "They'll do that at your next appointment."  But thats not for another three weeks.  We also had some insurance problems with that doctor.  So we decided maybe it would be better to just change doctors.  We now have a new doctor that we've never heard of, and again our next appointment isn't for another three weeks.  I just want someone to listen to my belly and tell me everything is ok.  I'm sure it is, I just want that reassurance.

Since my last post, I have had horrible nausea with vomiting this time.  Saturday was the worst by far.  Sunday was better without the nausea, but I felt very weak and dizzy every time I stood up.  My appetite is slowly coming back and my newest craving has been seafood and Subway sandwiches.  I think it's their bread.

Branden has found a job!  He will be driving a school bus for the Wichita school district.  Hopefully during the school year he can find another job that he will like better.  In the mean time, its a job that pays well and will train him for a class C driver's license.  He will continue taking classes this year working towards a Bachelor of Science Degree so he can pursue a career in construction safety, which is what he really wants to do.

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